
So much goes by over many years and the recall and memories of people from the past is never unpleasant; our wonderful campus and institutional history is however happily pervasive. In the Fall of 1996, I set foot for the first time in the Chemistry Lab of the Istinye Campus. After 21 years at Koç University, I can still vividly remember it: huge with a very high ceiling, it also had in addition to the main entrance from the inside of the building, a door which opened to a large court. When we had long experiments, which lasted all afternoon, and then some, we used to have breaks with the students, outside the lab, exiting through the back door. I also recall our weekly Science lunches, the yearly San Remo festival, all departments participated (we sang once, but I don’t recall my fellow singers…only the students’ applause).. After 21 years at Koç University, these patchwork of recollections are among my fondest memories of the Istinye campus.